A Eulogy by Philip Kennedy 30th August 2007

LOUISA KENNEDY EULOGY Good Morning, Thank you for joining my family and me today in remembrance of my mother. There are too many words I could use in a tribute to my mother… so many memories to share . Today I will tell about her dream she had When I think about my mother, I realize that she lived a life quite outside the norm. Early on in their marriage my Dad announced he was going to be a career diplomat. My mom gleamed. A glamorous life to say the least, She thought. She dared to dream of dignitaries in London, five star restaurants in Paris, perhaps sipping wine in Venice. Perhaps an exotic life awaited her. Her first post was Yemen. SHE CRIED… As Muslim customs would have it she was reduced to a third class citizen, Not allowed to drive, 12 foot anaconda’s in the back yard an occasional beheading in the local market place. Her South Hampton world was gone.. . It was a rough start. But for all of us that know her… these were minor set backs. The Arab world and Louisa were to become great friends Having incurred a few stitches to her leg, her Ayden doctor forbade her to go swimming…well my mother had other plans. While swimming off the local beach, …she came upon a rather large barracuda . Scared she headed toward the shore in great haste…however there on shoreline directly in front of her was her Doctor she and the barracuda became great friends. She cried before every post. Picking up and moving every 2-4 years. 4 boys in tow, numerous foreign schools. household effects dragged around the world , strange languages. strange cultures. Yet she endured. Not only did she endure but she embraced her life. Our foreign posts got better . Greece , Lebanon, a 6 year stint in Washington and Chile. Life had become interesting again. From all these crazy corners of the world where she lived, she brought into our family many amazing and wonderful and fascinating friends. …many of you are here today. she never failed in all this upheaval to being a nurturing and devoted mother. She was a super mom. An amazing letter writer…sharing her life with all of us as separation was the norm. She taught a dog to sit in Arabic and one in Spanish, brought in stray pets that needed a home. Taught an Arabic cook to cook in English and chased a cat over the wall because it was bothering our Lebanese Donkey named Humphrey . No stepford mom was she. As a champion of my father, she did have a fabulous, exciting and exotic life. She charmed Arab princes, toured the world and as fate would have it be an Ambassador for all of us as the spokes person for the family liaison action group. She finally did get to go to Rome, Paris and London. fulfilled one of her life long dreams dinning with world dignitaries , namely The Pope, Mitterrand , and even an over night at 10 downing street with Margret Thatcher. She had earned the right She loved and adored her sons and treasured her time with her 6 grand children. She was a proud and beloved wife. Most of all she was always there for me. I love you Mom God bless you..